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Q: The release of energy when a nucleus decomposes?
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Is glucose a source of energy?

yes. glucose metabolises and decomposes to form carbon dioxide, water with the release of energy

What is when the nucleus of an atom decomposes called?

radioactive decay

What type of energy is release when a proton is knock out of atoms nucleus?

nuclear energy

What stage of respiration that release most of the energy in the glucose occurs in the?

It is Nucleus

What is called splitting the nucleus of an atom to release energy?

Nuclear fission

What is energy stored in the nucleus of an atom called?

Binding energy. and some is even stored in particles, such as the neutron which has a half-life of about ten minutes before it disintegrates with the release of energy.

What exactly is nuclear fusion?

It is the combination of two nuclei into one nucleus and release of energy on consequence.

What is split in a nuclear reactor to release energy?

The nucleus (nuclei) of uranium-235 or plutonium-239

Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called?

Energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom is called Atomic Energy or nuclear energy.

Which energy releases smaller nuclei to form a larger nucleus?

You are thinking of nuclear fusion, where in the stars hydrogen forms into helium with energy release

What is the splitting of a nucleus with the release of nuclear energy into two fragments of approximately equal size called?


Energy equivalent to the missing mass in the nucleus?

binding energy is the energy equivalent to the missing mass in the nucleus