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mandated studying and practicing the Torah.

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Q: The religion of Judaism differed from the other religions of the time in that it?
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What made the religion of the Hebrews different from the the religions of other groups?

It differed from other religions in that it was monotheistic. Most other religions at the time believed in several gods who each covered a seperate field of activity, while Judaism proclaimed the existence of only one god. The only other old monotheistic religion is that of ancient China, which called its single supreme supernatural force "Heaven".

Is Judaism a Catholic or non-Catholic religion?

Judaism and Christianity are two religions connected to each other as Christianity stems, or has its roots in, Judaism; they are, however, separate religions. Catholicism is the largest denomination in the Religion call Christianity.

You are of Hebrew descent my religion is judaism?

Usually if you are of Hebrew descent, your religion is Judaism, but not always. There are approximately 500,000 Jews in the world who practice religions other than Judaism.

Are Muslim the only religion?

Muslim is who follows the Islam religion. and Islam is not the only religion. there are other religions for example Christianity and Judaism.

Is Russian orthodox the main religion of Russia?

Yes, but there are other religions as well. Judaism, Islam, Catholicism and other religions are also present in Russia.

What religion is johnny weir?

Roman Catholic but he is open to other religions, such as Judaism which his husband practices.

What is the second largest religion in israel?

The third most common religion in Israel is Christian. Other religions in Israel also include the Jewish and Muslim religions.

What makes judaidm different from other religion?

The biggest difference between Judaism and other religions is that Judaism has few if any converts. If you are not born into the religion, then you are not part of that religion. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism all welcome converts.

What made Judaism unique from other religions?

Back when Judaism was first Founded, all other religions were polytheistic. Judaism was monotheistic.

Is Jewish the right religion?

There is no 'right' religion. It is usually a matter of indoctrination from childhood. It is whatever you feel comfortable with.AnswerUnlike many other religions, Judaism is actually pluralistic in the sense that it acknowledges the validity of different religions. According to the teachings of Judaism, there is no one "right religion". Rather, there are different paths for different people with Judaism being the path for Jews.

Where does the Muslim religion rank against other religions of the world?

Islam, the Muslim religion, is the largest religion in the world, above Christianity, Catholiscism, and Judaism 1. Islam 2. Catholiscism 3. Christianity 4. Judaism. Also, Atheism is not technically a religion, but it fits in right above Judaism.

What did Judaism had an important influence on the two later religions?

Christianity and Islam. Maybe others, too. __________________________________________________________ Any religion may be influenced by another religion if it is a man developed religion and not same God religion. The three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam are God religions created by same God. Hence it is logic to find common features in the three religions; mainly monotheism. Accordingly, it is hard to believe that any religion got influenced by another religion. Otherwise, how the three religion are same God religions and not man made religions.