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It is called desulfurization, and if you don't do it at the refinery your fuel will make sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid when it burns.

If you're running un-desulfurized diesel in a new truck, there's a big filter in your exhaust system that will get ruined.

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Q: The removal of sulfur from fossil fuels before they are burned?
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What fossil fuel releases no sulfur when burned?

Natural gas, methane, contains no sulfur.

Why do fossil fuels produce sulfur dioxide when burned?

fossil fuels produce sulfur dioxide when burned because sulfur is present in them. things like coal which is carbon or gas which is a hydrocarbon are examples of this. fossil fuels are bad because sulfur dioxide causes acid rain. hope this helps :)

Is sulfur a fossil fuel?

No, sulfur is a native element or mineral, not a fossil fuel.

Why are sulfur and its compounds being removed from natural gas and petroleum before they are burned?

The burning of fossil fuels containing sulfur compounds results in the production of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide combines with water in the atmosphere to produce sulfuric acid in the form of acid rain. Sulfur dioxide harmful to anyone who breathes it, and acid rain causes damage to property and natural systems such as rivers and forests.

What is the primary source of sulfur dioxide?

Volcanoes produce more sulfur dioxide than any other cause. Some sulfur dioxide is also release from the burning of sulfur-rich fossil fuels.

What is the weight of burned sulfur?

After burning sulfur become another compound - sulfur dioxide (SO2), a gas.

When coal containing sulfur is burned sulfur is converted to what?

solid sulfur oxides that stay behind as ash.

What element is yellow and stinks when burned?


A yellow element that stinks when burned?

Sulfur is the element that has a pungent smell when it is burned. Sulfur is yellow in color and is a non-metal. In ancient times, burning sulfur was a method used to fumigate homes.

what is the name of the gas which is evolved when sulphur is burned?

Burning sulfur produces sulfur dioxide (SO2).

What produces sulfur dioxide?

burning of fossil fuels

What is made when fossil fuel is burned?

Water vapour and carbon oxides are the main products. Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides are also common products, especially in inefficient systems or where the fuel is not very pure.