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Q: The reproductive organs of gymnosperms are found in what?
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The reproductive organs of gymnosperms are found in .?


Where are the reproductive organs of gymnosperms found?

In the male & female cones or sporophylls

What type of plant is Gymnosperms found in?

Gymnosperms are cone plants. They bear pinecones that hold the reproductive organs.

Where are the reproductive organs of a gymnosperms found?

In the male & female cones or sporophylls

What are the reproductive organs found in a flower?

Androecium and gynoecium are the reproductive organs in a flower.

The gametophytes of gymnosperms are found inside reproductive structures called?

The gametophytes of gymnosperms live inside reproductive structures called cones. Gametophyte is the immediate result of fertilization in mosses.

What are the reproductive structures of genosperms?

Most Gymnosperms are diecious with the male and female reproductive organs on different plants. The male "flower" produces pollen and the female "flower" contains the ovary. Many female gymnosperms produce cones that house the fertilized eggs until the seeds are mature.

What are the two reproductive organs found in plants?

Pistil and stamen

The reproductive organs are found in the abdominopelvic area of the body?


Where can you find pictures of male and female reproductive organs?

Pictures of male and female reproductive organs can usually be found on sites that have to do with the physiology of the human body.

What is the reproductive organ for gymnosperms?

They have reproductive organ cones which is protected inside the ovaries

What is the reproductive structures for gymnosperms?

Male and female cones