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lol im taking the same ap take home test and have no clue

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Q: The revolution in understanding the nature treatment and prevention of infectious diseases was largely due to the discoveries of?
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Why was scientific revolution a pivotal time in history?

It changed humankind's approach to understanding the natural world and led to new discoveries.

Why was the scientific revolution a pivotal time history?

It changed humankind's approach to understanding the natural world and led to new discoveries.

What was the significance of the scientific revolution to study of history?

It changed humankind's approach to understanding the natural world and led to new discoveries.

What are the 3 inventions or discoveries of the scientific revolution?

Scientific method, telescope and thermometer

What are the two discoveries during the Agricultural Revolution?

The two key discoveries during the Agricultural Revolution were the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. These innovations allowed humans to shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, leading to the growth of civilizations.

What two discoveries brought on the Neolithic revolution?

The two key discoveries that brought on the Neolithic revolution were agriculture, leading to settled farming communities, and the domestication of animals for food, labor, and other resources. These changes enabled a shift from nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyles to more permanent settlements and the development of early civilizations.

How is the scientific revolution connected to the enlightenment?

Connections to Scientific Revolution: The Enlightenment was a program to reform political, economic, and social aspects of European life by using the Scientific method established during the Scientific Revolution. The movement was based on the discoveries and knowledge of the Scientific Revolution.

What was important about the Copernican revolution?

it demonstrated that scientific understanding was always changing

What three earlier mechanical discoveries does Francis Bacon say paved the way for the scientific revolution?

compass, printing ,firearms

How did inventions of the scientific revolution contribute to new discoveries?

It helped because the compass for example helped by knowing where you were on boats and stuff.

Was the technology necessary for the industrial revolution?

Without the invention of new machines and technology , scientific discoveries that simply work and the Industrial Revolution could not have taken place. So new technology was necessary.

Was new technology necessary for the Industrial Revolution?

Without the invention of new machines and technology , scientific discoveries that simply work and the Industrial Revolution could not have taken place. So new technology was necessary.