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A right is something to which people are entitled; to assert that people have the right to peacefully assemble means that people should be allowed to do so and the government should not interfere. And peaceful assembly means that some group of people, two or more, can get together to talk, to make plans, to seek whatever political objective that they may collectively have, or to do anything else they may wish to do (possibly drink coffee) as long as it does not involve violence; they are not getting together to physically attack any person or property.

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11y ago

People have a right to get together, as long as they don't start a riot.

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15y ago

It is set forth in First Amendment to the U.S. Constituion.

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Right of the first amendment?

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The First Amendment promises the right to freedom, peaceful assembly, religion, press and the right to petition the government.

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The 1st Amendment.

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The five are, Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to issue a petition of grievances, right to peaceful assembly, and freedom and press. The right to bare arms is the second amendment.

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We live a free country, the right to peaceful assembly being one of our freedoms. Nobody had to authorize nominating conventions except the parties that held them.

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