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Q: The rocker jaw is the characteristic of what ethinc group?
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Does a platypus have a single jaw bone?

Yes. This is a mammalian characteristic. Like other mammals, the platypus has a single jaw bone.

Can a tight jaw cause fatigue?

Tension held in the jaw can cause fatigue. Holding tension in any muscle group can cause fatigue. Holding your jaw tight can also cause neck pain and headaches.

Do narwhals have teeth or baleen?

Narwhals have teeth. In fact, the male's characteristic tusk is merely the extension of the incisor on the left side of the upper jaw. In rare instances, the male narwhal has two tusks. In such cases, the second, smaller tusk grows out of the incisor on the right side of the upper jaw.

What are the features of Therapsids that suggest this group was transitional to reptiles and mammals?

Jaw, ears, hip and shoulder

What does acromegalic mean?

Acromegalic means "pertaining to or characteristic of acromegaly", or a person affected by acromegaly, a disease involving enlargement of the bones of the hands, feet, face and jaw.

Why is a koala a diprontodontia?

The main characteristic of Diprotodontia has to do with their teeth. Members of the order Diprotodontia have a large pair of incisors on the lower jaw, while most also have 3 pairs of incisors in the upper jaw. They lack canine teeth, as they do not need them, and there is an empty space where the canines are normally positioned.Another characteristic unique to the Diprotodontia is the presence of fused second and third digits in their hind feet. The koala shares both of these features with other members of the order Diprotodontia.

Where are the strong points of a crocodile?

in his Jaw in his Jaw in his Jaw

Where is the Digastric muscle located?

Is located under the jaw,it lies below the body of mandible, and extend in a curve form, from the Mastoid Process to the Symphysis Menti.Belongs to the Suprahyiod muscle group and helps activate the jaw for mastication and swallowing.

What is the jaw called?

Upper jaw is a maxilla, and the lower jaw is a mandible.

What is the correct name for a jaw?

jaw/jaw bone idiot

What is jaw cancer?

jaw cancer is a type of jaw sickness.

Is there a body part that starts with the letter J?

Jaw I am Kirstin, The answer is Joint. Have a GREAT Valentines Day!!!!!!!