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Q: The roosevelt corollary specifically states that the US would play what role in latin America?
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How did the roosevelt corollary update the monroe doctrine which kept european powers out of latin american countries?

The Roosevelt corollary claimed that the united states. Had the right to intervene in Latin America (novanet)

Why is Roosevelt corollary important?

The Roosevelt Corollary was created to allow the United States the power to keep European countries out of South America. It allowed them to use military force if needed.

What did the United states claim the Roosevelt corollary?

the right to assume police power in larin america

What did the states do as a result of the roosevelt corollary?

It often sent troops to nations in Latin America. - APEX

What effects did the monroe doctrine and roosevelt have on the latin Americans?

The Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary made it possible for the United States to go to Latin America and try to make them a part of the United States. The Roosevelt Corollary made it possible for the Monroe Doctrine to be enforced.

What did the United states claim Under the Roosevelt corollary?

the right to assume police power in larin america

What is the consequences of Roosevelt Corollary is adopted?

The 1904 Roosevelt Corollary was used as justification for U.S. intervention in Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, & the Dominican Republic.

How did the US use monroe doctrine and roosevelt corollary to influence latin American affairs?

Asserted the right of the United States to intervene to stabilize the economic affairs of small nations in the Caribbean and Central America if they were unable to pay their international debts.

What rights did the US claim the Roosevelt corollary?

The United States claimed the right to assume police power in Latin America.

What right did the us claim the roosevelt corollary?

The United States claimed the right to assume police power in Latin America.

What was Roosevelt's corollary to the Monroe doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine states the US will oversee Latin nations, the Roosevelt Corollary allowed Roosevelt to militarily enter such Latin Nations.

When does president roosevelt declare right of US to intervene in latin america?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America in his 1904 corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. This corollary, known as the Roosevelt Corollary, expanded on the original Monroe Doctrine and asserted the US's authority to intervene in Latin American countries to preserve stability and protect its interests.