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Q: The sample in the evaporting dish is not heated to dryness how will this affect the reported valye for total solids?
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What would happen if an aqueous solution of sugar is heated to dryness?

Crystals of sugar are obtained.

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When a mixture of sodium chloride and water is heated to dryness, the residue is sodium chloride, because the boiling point of sodium chloride is much higher than the boiling point of water.

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The nagle of light determines the area over which the energy of the light is spread out and that will affect how much it is heated.

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Food is heated by conduction and convection.

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Color does not affect magnetic force. But as magnet gets heated it loses magnetism

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This causes our weather.

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Most liquids will expand when heated up.

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If the enzymes are heated they can become deformed and not work as well.

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Not unless it has dissolved metals, is ionized, or is heated.

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When air is heated the particles become excited and move and bounce off of surfaces causes pressure on it's container.

How do temperature changes affect pressure?

when something is being heated up, it expands increasing the pressure.

How the continual use of heated equipment can affect the hair?

because it dryes out the sculp and that is when hair starts to fall out