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Because the scientific method has to adapt to what the experiment is

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Q: The scientific method is flexible and can be used in different ways depending on the experiment?
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Is a flexible chicken bone experiment chemical science?


Why is classification flexible?

Classification can be flexible depending on the animals breeding, physical characteristics.

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Bank overdrafts are flexible for different clients depending on account activities. Active accounts will tend to attract higher bank overdrafts as compared to dormant or less-active ones.

What has the author Martha Baker written?

Martha. Baker has written: 'An evaluation of the flextime experiment' -- subject(s): Flexible Hours of labor, Hours of labor, Flexible

What is the adjective for flexibility?

The adjective is flexible. A different noun form of flexible is flexibleness, which is seldom used.

What the Internet does?

Whatever you want. It was originally intended to make sharing scientific data and papers more easy and flexible.

What do the different bikes do on the game bike race?

The different bikes have different advantages and disadvantages. An example is the silver bike and acrobatic bike. The acro is more flexible it can to flips and all that stuff. Silver is faster but not as flexible.

How will a bone soak in vinegar look like?

The combination of vinegar and heat causes the calcium and collagen in the bone to break down. this makes the bone flexible and spongy like cartilage. the purpose of the experiment is to help you understand the difference between bone and cartilage and why they are different. The experiment should also be done with two separate chicken bones - one soaked in vinegar which breaks down the calcium leaving it flexible or rubbery; the other is baked which destroys the collagen leaving it brittle.

Is glue flexible?

Glue by itself is not flexible, but it can be used to bond flexible materials together. The flexibility of the glued joint will depend on the type of glue and materials being bonded.

Scientific name of brittle star?

The scientific name of brittle stars is Ophiuroidea. They are echinoderms closely related to sea stars, but have long, flexible arms that they use for movement and feeding.

If you have actual how do you get flexible budget?

Flexible budgets are prepared for different capacity levels like normal capacity, optimistic capacity and pesimistic capacity based on actual budgets.

What are the benefits of flexible tripods?

Depending on what brand you get a flexible tripod can be just as sturdy. The benefit of the flexible tripod is that they usually don't break as easily. I have owned a flexible tripod for 2 years now and have not had one problem with it. I have had one with adjustable legs in the past and it broke after 6 months. I would recommend an adjustable tripod so you make sure it will last and you get your moneys worth.