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Q: The secretion that traps dust and other inhaled foreign particles is?
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What is the secretion that traps dust and other inhaled foreign particles called?


When air is inhaled dirt and other particles are trapped by tiny?

Mucus in the nose. When it dries up, it turns into boogers!

Are crepe myrtles poisonous to smoke?

yes , the smoke consist of particles of organic material being inhaled into the lungs, like any other burning material being inhaled its poisness to the human body

What is the function of sand in a water puifier?

Sand traps large particles - such as paper, stones and other foreign objects.

Why do Toyotas have two air filters?

One air filter is located in the engine compartment and is to keep foreign particles out of the intake chamber. The other one is located in the passenger compartment and is to help keep foreign particles and some allergens out of the passenger compartment.

Why is it better to breathe in through your noise instead of breathing in through your mouth?

The nose is lined with tiny hairs called cilia. These help to filter the incoming air of dirt and other foreign particles. The idea being to keep these particles out of the lungs.

What is the function of ciliated epithelium in the lungs?

To assist in removing dust particles and other unwanted foreign bodies that have entered the air passages.

What is the function of the epithelium in the lungs?

To assist in removing dust particles and other unwanted foreign bodies that have entered the air passages.

Can inhaled foreign objects be treated with cortiscosteroids or other inhalants?

Small inhaled objects such as dust and dirt are stopped by nose hairs, larger objects will be expelled by coughing. If a larger object lodges in the lung the cilia will try to move it out. If it is too large, it will become trapped in the lung or airway and can cause an infection which can be life-threatening. It should be removed, either by bronchoscope or opening the chest. Corticosteroids and antibiotifcs may help the symptoms, but will not resolve the underlying problem of a foreign object.

What role do cillia play in the respiatory system?

Tiny hairs called cilia (pronounced: sih-lee-uh) protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract, filtering out dust and other particles that enter the nose with the breathed air. As air is inhaled, the cilia move back and forth, pushing any foreign matter (like dust) either toward the nostrils, where it is blown out, or toward the pharynx, where it travels through the digestive system and out with the rest of the body's waste.

What are difference between subatomic particles and elementary particles?

Elementary (fundamental) particles have not components; other particles (as protons and neutrons) are composed from other particles.

What is the purpose of mucous membranes and cilia in the trachea?

Mucus traps solid particles that have made it into the trachea so that the ciliated cells on the wall of the trachea can use their periodic beating motion to gradually move the trapped particles up for clearance.