

Best Answer
One AnswerThe practice made it seem that people could buy forgiveness for their sins .


Roman Catholic AnswerFirst of all, the Catholic Church has NEVER sold indulgences, second of all, indulgences are NOT a forgiveness for sin, and never were. There are three penitential practices, to which an indulgence (which is a pardon for the temporal punishment for already forgiven sin, NOT a forgiveness for sin) was attached: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. In the sixteenth century, there was some problem with some people in the hierarchy getting a portion of the donations which were made, to which an indulgence was attached, but they were never sold. The only thing troubling about indulgences to Catholics is that they are misunderstood and maligned. I imagine that the only thing that troubled them back then was their rulers deciding that keeping the money in Germany trumped letting people stay in the Catholic Church so that they had their Church pulled out from under them and were forced to attend new, "protestant" services. Sorry, but there is no evidence that Catholics were ever troubled about something that never existed. If you really want to know about indulgences back then, please get the book, The Facts About Luther at the link below, and read the chapter on Luther and indulgences.
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Q: The selling of indulgences troubled many Catholics because the practice made it seem what?
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