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Q: The senate must do what to all treaties?
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What must the president have to make treaties?

The U. S. Senate must ratify all treaties.

Which house of congress must approve all presidential appointments and treaties?

The United States Senate must approve all presidential appointments and treaties. The duties of the United States Senate is listed in the United States Constitution.

All treaties must be approved by?

2/3 vote of the Senate.

All treaties must be approved by a two-thirds vote of?

The Senate

Which house of Congress approves treaties?

The Senate has the important job of approving treaties made by the president.

Who must approve treaties?

The Senate has the responsibility of approving treaties.

Which of the branches of the US government approves treaties?

The senate approves and disapproves treaties but the executive branch makes the treaties with the other countries!

Why does the senate approve treaties?

The Constitution requires the Senate to ratify treaties. Until the Senate approves them, they are not in force. The Senate does not automatically approve all treaties that the President sends to them.

What house of Congress must approve all treaties made by the president?

two thirds of the Senate

What limits the presidents power to make treaties with other countries?

The Senate must approve treaties and presidential appointments.

How can the president make treaties and appoint ambassadors?

The president can negotiate treaties, but they must be ratified by the senate to go into effect. He can appoint ambassadors, and they also must be approved by the senate.

Who must approve all treaties the are made with foreign countries?

It must be approved by the senate foreign regulations.