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Q: The slow wearing away of the land by water wind or ice?
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Do otters move fast or slow?

In water fast, on land their slow.

How is erosion like an earthquake?

It is not! An earthquake is the sudden slip of two rock surfaces, while erosion is a slow process of water or wind wearing away at a rock surface.

How fast is a turtle?

turtles on land are slow but in water they are faster than you can swim!

Where would you find slow water from a river?

You find slow water in a river where it is deep and/or wide and the land is relatively flat.

What is the wearing away of land called?

Erosion is a slow wearing away of the land by the forces of nature. Erosion wears down such land features as mountains, beaches and riverbanks. With erosion, boundary lines can change if the boundary line is a stream, riverbank or cliff.Avulsion is the sudden wearing away of the land by the forces of nature such as a flood or hurricane. Avulsion can drastically change the shape of the land bordering a river or stream. With avulsion and the possibility of a sudden significant change in boundaries, the boundary lines remain the same.In property law, the slow meandering movement of a boundary stream or river that separates two farmers' meadows will continually change the boundary between their properties. A sudden flood that changes the course of the stream fifty feet to one side will not. The former location of the stream can be marked, if possible, and will remain the boundary line.

Can you out run an alligator?

Yes, they are slow moving on land. In the water, you would be in trouble.

What is a gorge cut through the land by water and wind?

The slow, orderly process of erosion, the wearing away of the planet's surface through the action of wind and water, creates canyons. The main creators of canyons is the water, not the wind, however.

What is a term for the slow wearing of rock?


Does a penguin move fast?

Penguins move slow on land but under water they move fast

Does erode mean to wear away?

It means to wear away slowly. 1: to diminish or destroy by degrees: a: to eat into or away by slow destruction of substance (as by acid, infection, or cancer) b: to wear away by the action of water, wind, or glacial ice eroded the hillside> c: to cause to deteriorate or disappear as if by eating or wearing away eroding buying power> S

Are alligators land animals or water animals?

alligators need water to survive. They hunt, mostly by ambushing prey from under the water. They are also relatively slow on land, but quick and agile when in the water.

Does salt take away tooth infections?

Gargling with salt water can slow the spread of mouth infections.