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Q: The soviet union dissolved the Berlin wall came diwn?
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The Soviet Union dissolved the Berlin Wall came down?


What happen first soviet union dissolved civil war in Somalia operation desert storm or the Berlin wall came down?

The Berlin Wall came down

Which of these events happened first civil war in Somalia the Berlin Wall came down Operation Desert Storm Soviet Union dissolved?

The Berlin Wall came down

Which of these events happened first the operation desert storm soviet union dissolved civil war in somaliathe berlin wall came down?

The Berlin Wall came down

The fall of the Soviet Union came soon after the fall of what?

The Berlin Wall

What did East Berlin do when the Soviet Union Wall came down?

They partied!

What was The Soviet Union dissolved the Berlin Wall came down?

The Soviet Union didn't tear it down, the East Germans did it on their own. And it was torn down starting in 1989, not 1987. But what happened to it was they crushed it in a rock crusher and used it to pave roads.

What came to an end in 1991?

The Soviet Union was dissolved (officially) on December 26, 1991 - effectively ending the Cold War.

Where Yuri gagarin came from?

He came from what was then the Soviet Union.

How do you know when Hitler committed suicide?

The Soviets came across his body when they occupied Berlin. They kept it a secret, like with everything else, from the outside world. It came to light after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989.

Did both Germany and the Soviet Union invade Poland?

yes, Germany and the soviet union both invaded Poland. when the Germans invaded the Soviet union, it came as a big suprise to the Russians, who signed a non aggression pact with the soviet union.

When did the the Soviet Union start?

The year of foundation of the USSR is generally given as 1921. The Soviet Union came into existence on December 29-30 1922 when representatives of Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation agreed to and then signed the Treaty of the Soviet Union.