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The speed of light is exactly fixed at 299,792,458 m/s in the vacuum of freespace. It is an important physical constant usually denoted by the symbol c0. There is nothing faster. Light has always this speed in a vacuum, but it slows down when it travels through something, like glass, water, or air ... The greater the density of the matter that light is travelling through, the slower light travels.

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9y ago

A vacuum, if it could exist, would be space with no kind of matter in it - none at all. But vacuum can contain energy. Thanks to quantum effects there are pairs of matter + anti-matter particles that appear spontaneously even in a vacuum and then destroy one another. But for a fleeting moment they will occupy the vacuum and so space free of all matter is not possible. Having said that, the density of matter in outer space is less than 1 hydrogen atom per cubic metre.

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6y ago

A vacuum is a volume of space with nothing in it: no gas, no atomic or subatomic particles, NOTHING. However, true vacuum is an ideal and cannot be achieved because of quantum fluctuations whereby it is possible for a particle-antiparticle pair to spontaneously appear and then annihilate one another.

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11y ago

Light moves at just under 300000 kilometers per second.

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Use the relation:speed in a medium = speed of light in a vacuum / refractive indexi.e. v=c/nHencev = 300000000/1.333 = 225060000 m/s

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It is 300000000 metres per second, approx.

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Speed of light doesn't travel. Light travels.The speed of light doesn't vary depending on the planet; it may, however, vary depending what it goes through. For example, the speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000 km/second; the speed of light in glass is about 2/3 of that value.

Is the flash as fast as the speed of light?

NO.... the speed of light is always faster. =)

What travels 300000000 miles per second?

Nothing can travel at that speed. The speed of light is about 300,000,000 meters per second; this is equivalent to 300,000 kilometers per second or 186,000 miles per second.

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All waves in a vacuum move with the speed of light (3x108 m/s or 300000000 m/s if your not a fan of standard form), in air it is the same speed up til many decimal places

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The speed of light c is always fixed at 299792458 m/s.