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Q: The spider plant produces cells in the runner by a process called mitosis what is this type of reproduction called?
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What is the name of the process that cells use to divide?

Mitosis is the process that produces new 2N cells from 2N cells Meiosis is the process that produces 1N reproductive cells.

What is the process of cell division involve in sexual reproduction that produces gametes?

It is called meiosis. It works very similarly to mitosis, but the DNA isn't replicated once it has divided.

What process produces daughter cells that are genetically identical to there parent cells?

This process is called cell division or mitosis.

What is cell division or replication called?

Mitosis is simple cell division which produces two identical daughter cells.

What is the process whereby an organism produces more of its own kind is called?

This process is called reproduction. In many organisms, it may be of asexual type which leads to produce more of its own kind. The sexual reproduction prevalent in higher forms leads to 50 % individuals of its own kind genetically and 50 % having new genetic configuration. The sexual reproduction by having genetic variations promotes evolution.

What is the creation of offspring from only one organism called?

asexual reproduction. Mitosis.

Why is reproduction by mitosis called asexual reproduction?

part of the cell cycle

Do reproductive cells divide by the process of meiosis?

They go through a process called meiosis, which is similar to mitosis. Mitosis is the splitting of regular cells. Meiosis is the splitting of reproductive cells.

Asexual reproduction is based on a type of cell division known as?

Asexual cellular reproduction is accomplished according to a process called mitosis, where the cell's DNA will replicate itself with the help of messenger RNA in the nucleus, then the cell will split off into a new cell. (The sexual cellular reproduction process is called mitosis, and combines the DNA of 2 cells to create a unique cell.)

Does mitosis results in four haploid gametes?

No - mitosis results in two genetically identical diploid cells.Meiosis creates four haploid cells.

What is the reproduction of all body cells called?

mitosis and the sexual reproduction of cells are called meiosis

The process in which a single plant produces many offspring genetically identical to itself is called?

Vegetative reproduction is a type of asexual reproduction in plants