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Q: The star Antares has a mass of 3.08 x 1031 kg. How might this star be classified?
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How many times bigger is Antares than Pluto?

Bigger in what sense, mass or radius? The mean radius ratio is 300000000 km/1150 km, or about 260,000 times bigger.The mass ratio is 3.1 x 1031 kg/1.3 x 1022 kg, or about 2,400,000,000 times bigger.

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Antares is a red supergiant and has enough mass to explode as a supernova and then collapse into a black hole.

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Rigel has a mass about 17 times that of our Sun. This equates to a mass of 6.726081977 x 1031 kg

What would happen if Earth was as big as Antares?

This is not something that could possibly happen, so there's little point in attempting to speculate on it. A solid body the size of Antares would, however, collapse into a black hole from its own mass.

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You are classified as "fat" when you have a large BMI (body mass index).

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They can be classified according to whether they rotate or not; their electrical charge; but especially their mass.

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Mass X Acceleration = velocity

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Anything that has mass is matter.

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it is volume witch is the in side.

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Eggs are classified after mass and aspect, date of production, living conditions of birds, etc.

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Plasma & mass