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Q: The study of the foodstuffs required for healthy growth and repair of a healthy organism is called?
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Is The organism that attaches itself to healthy cells is called a virus?


What word has this definition - What are substances that plants and animals need to be healthy called?

They are known as Nutrients and they come in the form of Water and Air, ranging all the way up to Foodstuffs [and Sleep!].

What are substances containing plant or foodstuffs in concentrated form called?


What are healthy crops?

The crops grwon with out the use of any fertilizer and have all the nutrition it mean to have is called healthy crop, also it is free from any pathogenic organism which may be also harmful to humans

What is any organism that eat another organism call?

An organism that eats another organism is called a consumer.

What is an organism called that only eat animal's?

this organism is called a carivore...

What is any organism that eats anoter organim called?

Any organism that eats another organism is called a consumer.

Anything that is living is called an?

An ecosystem.

What is an organism that kills and eats all or part of another organism called?

An organism that kills and eats all or part of another organism is called a carnivore.

What is the organism called that does the killing and eating?

An organism that kills to eat is called a predator.

When an organism captures and feeds on another organism it is called?

These are called predators.

A single organism in an environment called?

A single organism in an environment is called an individual