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Q: The surface area of the of a piece of a meatloafwhose length is 10 cm width is 4 cm and the height 2 cm?
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What is the Surface area of a LEGO piece?

It depends on what particular Lego piece you are measuring. To go about this problem, you would measure the height, length, and width of the Lego and multiply all three of these numbers together. Your units will be, for example, cm3 or in3.

Do a square have length width and height?

A cube (3D) has length, width and height. A square (2D) drawn on a piece of paper only has length and width - in the case of a square, all sides have the same length.

How do you find the height of a triangle givin the length of one side?

You can't with just the length of one side for piece of information

How do you find the height of a box if you know the length and width?

To find the height you would need one extra piece of information - the volume.

How do airlines calculate chargeable weight?

Length (of piece in cm) x Width (of piece in cm) x Height (of piece in cm) / 6000 = cheargable weight in (kg)

How do you work out the surface area of a triangular piece of cake?

times the base and the height and halve the result. simple!

Introduction of surface area and volume?

Surface area is the amount of space on the face of a 2D side, like a piece of paper. And to find this we use (for 4 sided object); A = lh where l = length and h = height. This formula changes as the number of sides increase or decrease. Volume is the amount of space inside a 3D object, like a cube. To find this we use(for a 6 sided object); A = lbh where l = length, b = breadth and h = height.

If a cube with a 5 inch side length is sliced in half what is the surface area of the two pieces?

surface area of each piece would be 100 sq.inch

How do you calculate 50 linear inches?

In the context of a piece of luggage you sum together its length, width and height - each of them measured in inches.

How do you find volume of a piece of wood?

You times the length by the width by the height to find volume. To find the density do mass divided by volume.

How many corn in 1 cubic meters?

It depends on how big the piece of corn is.

How do you calculate the volume of rectangle hollow piece?

Measure the length and breadth of one face of the rectangle. Measure the thickness of the rectangle hollow piece. Multiply the length, breadth and thickness and this will give you the volume of the rectangular hollow piece in terms of cubic units. That is, if you measured the length, breadth and height in centimeters, the volume will be in cubic centimeters. Example: If the length of the piece is 10 cm, the breadth of the piece is 6 cm, and the thickness of the piece is 5 cm, the volume of the rectangular hollow piece is given by: 10 cm X 6 cm X 5 cm = 300 cubic cm or cm3