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Q: The temperature of the layer of gas that produces the visible light of the sun is about?
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The temperature of the layer of gas that produces the visible light of the Sun is?

5,800 K

What region produces visible light giving the sun it's yellow appearance?

The photosphere of the Sun (its nominal "surface") is where visible light is produced. Above it, the chromosphere is a region of bright red color, with a transition layer between it and the corona.

Which layer produces heat and light for the sun?

The chromosphere produces the light and heat for the sun.

Which of the suns layers produces its visible light?

the photosphere gives off the suns visible light

What layer of sun emits Visible light?

The Photosphere.

What sun layer emits visible light?

The Photosphere.

The layer of the sun's atmosphere that produces it's characteristic color?

The Chromosphere's layer is just about the temperature layer of the Sun. It is visible as a flash of color at the beginning and end of full solar eclipses. The temperature increases with height going up to around 20000 Kelvin at the top. The sun is actually white in color. The false color of orange is because of blue lighted atmospheric scattering.

What produces an image of a specimen by passing visible light through it?

Its a Light Microscope! (=

What characteristic properties are based on how visible light produces colors?


What has high temperature visible light or ultraviolet?

Neither visible light nor ultraviolet light have high temperature, because temperature is associated with molecular movement and light is an electromagnetic wave or particle having no temperature. Infrared light is given off by matter that is raised to high temperature, but that is not the same as having temperature.

Which layer of the sun gives off heat and light?

The photosphere gives off heat and visible light.

Which region produces visible light giving the sun it's yellow appearance?
