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The theory that different organisms have ancestors that are related is the ?

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Q: The theory that different organisms have ancestors that are related is what theory?
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According to the theory of evolution, our earliest ancestors were not much different than apes. These early ancestors practiced polygamy and had love duels for their potential mates.

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Genes are the hereditary molecules that natural selection actually selects, So, the change in allele ( different molecular form of the same gene ) frequency over time in a population of organisms is the definition of evolution.

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Convergent evolution, or convergence theory.

Which organisms does the cell theory apply to?

The cell theory applies to all organisms.

According to the theory of today and acirc and 128 and 153s organisms evolved from past organisms.?

According to the theory of _____, today's organisms evolved from past organisms.

How does DNA sequence analysis contribute to evolutionary theory?

It's common sense that organisms with similar DNA are more related evolutionary-wise. Analyzing DNA can help us determine which organisms evolved from which organisms.

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The cell theory

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Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms evolved from past organisms.