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Well generally with the post piercing swelling, it's hard to tell what is considered normal. In a standard center line tongue piercing, placed approx 3/4" back from the tip of the tongue normal even swelling is to be expected. In the center line piercing you are only piercing connective tissue that joins the right and left sides of the tongue. So the possibility of nerve damage is fairly low (note I am not saying "no risk", there is always a risk when piercing the tongue, but I am talking about a professionally performed piercing) If you have any other form of tongue piercing then the risk becomes even higher, so numbness and possible permanent damage is a real ever present risk. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body and a very important one at that, so serious thought needs to be put into getting a piercing before actually getting it done to ensure you are making a good decision. Once it's pierced, there is no way to repair the damage done to it, it's a one shot deal and there is no turning back.

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Q: You have this stinging pain at the tip of your tongue and you got your tongue pierced the other day what is this?
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Can you get anestetic when gettin your tongue pierced?

no, but it is not that painful, and the pain only lasts for a few seconds

What do you do if you really want your tongue pierced but you're scared of the pain?

Get it anyway. The pain lasts seconds, your sick piercing lasts forever!

I really considering getting my tongue pierced but i am terrified about the pain what is it like getting it done?

They pierce tongues in the line running down the middle of them. There aren't any pain nerves in that line--so when you get your tongue pierced you won't feel very much if anything at all.

What kind of pain is similar to getting your tongue pierced?

If done by a professional body piercer, the sensation should be like a sensation of pressure but no actual pain.

What does it mean if you had your tongue pierced a few days ago but sometimes when you move your tongue a certain way you get a really bad pain through your tongue?

It's probably because you just got your tongue pierced a few days ago. It is still healing. It'll take a week for the initial swelling and pain to subside, and a little longer for the wound to fully heal. Try not to play with it and swish it around too much.

Can you feel the needle going through your tongue when you are getting it pierced?

you might feel a certain pinch depending on how well you are familiar with piercings the pain comes afterwards.

If you can get a tattoo and your nose pierced can you handle getting your tongue pierced?

Sure you can, after all the tongue is one of the least painful of all the piercings!!! Now I sure you will say, "How can you say that, mr. know-it-all TatuBaron, I know what it feels like when I just bite my tongue!!" But!!!! Where do you bite your tongue??? It is almost always on the side or tip of your tongue where you have lotsa pain nerve endings...And it's a good thing that you do as you would chew off your tongue during R.E.M. period of your sleep....Where it will be pierced will be in the middle where you have mostly taste bud nerve endings.......This does not, by any means, mean that your piercing there will be painless, but it wont be as bad as you are thinking........Hope this helps...TatuBaron

Is there anything to do with your tongue that would stop you getting it pierced?

Answer 1: The main concern is not to hit major veins. It's harder (more painful, and maybe riskier for some people) to get one's tongue pierced RIGHT SMACK DAB in the middle, rather than slightly off-center, so most people get it slightly off-center. If you want a tongue WEBBING piercing, you need to have a sufficiently webbed tongue (I did not; so sad). And, of course, if you were a hemophiliac, terrified of pain, or super-prone to infection or, I dunno, heart attacks in reaction to pain, then you might want to avoid a tongue piercing.

How long after you get a tongue piercing does it take for pain to go away because your tongue was pierced 4 days ago and the bar is making the bottom of your mouth sore and causing an indention on top?

I have had my tongue pierced for a while now and when you first get it pierced your bar will be long for the swelling it takes up too a month until you can change it but after the first week the pain will go away i recommened ice and popcicels but dairy products make it swell more and give you a chance to get a yeast infection in your mouth as for the marks at the top they will go away with ice and rinse your mouth with biotine it works greAT!!!

Is it girly to get your tongue pierced and how much does it hurt?

Not at all. The main "reason" to get this piercing other than personal adornment is sexual enhancement, and you won't find someone complaining about the added feel of a metallic stud against their highly personal nerve endings. The pain isn't horrible and the tongue also heals quite quickly.

What is a stinging pain on left chest towards armpit?

muscle pain, possibly a tear

Which is worse the Monroe or the tongue piercing cause ive had my tongue pierced and i fainted so what is the Monroe like?

It is largely dependent on each person. My labret (usually said to be pretty much identical to a "monroe" pain wise) and my tongue were simple and painless, but I thought I was going to cry getting my nostril pierced. My sister fainted getting her philtrum (proper term for any upper lip piercing) but she was laughing and talking while getting her nostril pierced. There is no way to tell which will be worse for you, and a good piercer can make all the difference in the world.