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the trait that often changes after time is the size of the organism. It usually will get larger after a period of time.

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Q: The traits of organisms in a population naturally change over time what is the source of the variation?
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Why is it important that variation exists within populations of a species?

Without variation there is nothing to select for against the background of an immediate environment and thus no evolution as alleles, not selected for, would not change over time in this population of organisms. Without variation the environment can change quickly and send your population to extinction if there were no variants that could meet this challenge.

Why would evolution crease if the entire population had the same genetic makeup?

Yes. Without variation in organisms for natural selection to choose from there would be no change in allele frequency over time in the population of organisms under discussion. This is the definition of evolution, so without change over time, no evolution.

Why is variation beneficial to a population that is undergoing change?

Yes, it is. If there is variation in a populations, and a sudden catastrophic event occurs, there is more of a chance that some of the individuals in the population will survive, and the population will not die out.

How does natural selection create a change in population over time?

By favoring one variation of organism over another variation in the same population. These favored individuals ( natural selection selects individual organisms ) leave more descendants, with these traits, who over time become more numerous in the population and the populations allele frequency changes to reflect this. In a word, evolution.

What is the difference between nonrandom mating and reproductive isolation?

Nonrandom mating refers to individuals in a population having an equal opportunity to mate with other organisms in the population. Most organisms choose their mates based on physical and behavioral characteristics. Reproductive isolation refers to physical barriers segregating population and therefore causing change in genetic variation.

How has the landscape of Belize change naturally?

Because of population density

What is evoltuion?

Evolution is change over time in a population of organisms. Formal and impressive to teacher definition is this; ' Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. '

What is the impact selection had on allele frequinces?

In any population of organisms you have variation, which means, to a greater or lesser extent, that allele frequencies are varied and great in number and not all of the organisms of the population possess the same alleles. Now some of those alleles confer reproductive advantage in the immediate environment. These organisms will be selected and the allele frequency possessed by these organisms will be the change in allele frequency that will show up in the populations gene pool.

A change in relative frequencies of alleles in the gene pool of a population is called?

Genetic drift. This phenomenon occurs due to random chance events which can lead to certain alleles being more or less common in a population over time.

Does evolution occur at the level of the organisms?

No, organisms die.Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.

What role do mutations play in evolution?

They provide the variation in organisms that other recombination methods do not. A beneficial mutation, leading to a small change in same trait, that is even marginally reproductively successful to the organism that possesses it will be selected for and passed on tho progeny thus changing the organisms population over time, regardless of how small the change. This is evolution, change in populations over time.

How does variation in species bring out an evolutionary change?

By natural selection. These organisms have variations that allow some to survive and reproduce better than other organisms. The ones that do reproduce better leave more copies of their genes in the populations gene pool. This is the definition of evolution; evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.