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roots and stems

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Q: The two types of bases to which affixes are added are what?
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What are two types of bases to which affixes are added?

The two types of bases where affixes are added to are called roots and stems. Roots are the base form of words while the stem is where inflectional affixes are added.

What are two types of affixes?

The two types of affixes are Prefix and Suffix

What are the types of affixes?

The two types of affixes are Prefix and Suffix

What is the two kinds of affixes?

There are two main types of affixes: prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning or create a new word. Suffixes, on the other hand, are added to the end of a word to modify its meaning or function.

What mutation occurs when two extra guanine bases are added to DNA?

This is a frameshift mutation.

Two new strands of DNA molecules grow as bases are added by the enzyme?

DNA polymerase.

Autocratic its root and affixes and their meaning?

Autocratic comes from two Greek roots autos which means "self" and critein which means "to rule"

What two extra guanine bases are added to the DNA during DNA replication what mutation is this?

This is a frameshift mutation and will render the rest of the DNA sequence useless.

What is inter base resistance in UJT?

The bulk resistance between the two bases, which will be different for different types of UJT. Consult the datasheet for the value.

How many bases are in a cylinder?

a cylinder does have 2 bases A cylinder has two bases.

What shape has 2 bases?

what shape has 2 bases? ?

What is the name of the solid that has two circular bases?

the solid that has two circular bases is a cylinder