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Q: The valsalva maneuver involves expiring against a closed glottis and when combined with contracting muscles of the abdomen and ribcage creates rigidity in the entire torso?
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The Valsalva Maneuver involves expiring against a closed glottis and when combined with contracting muscles of the abdomen and ribcage creates rigidity in the entire torso true or false?

True. The Valsalva Maneuver involves expiring against a closed glottis and when combined with contracting muscles of the abdomen and ribcage creates rigidity in the entire torso.

The Valsalva maneuver involves expiring against a closed glottis and when combined with contracting muscles of the abdomen and ribcage creates rigidity in the entire torso.?

Yes, that is true.

What is the opposite of valsalva maneuver?

It's called a Muller maneuver and involves forced inspiration against a closed glottis.

A maneuver that involves a vehicle in the rear of the convoy changing lanes to allow other convoy vehicles to change lanes is called?


What is telemark?

It is a cross between Nordic (cross-country) and Alpine (downhill) skiing and involves doing free-heel turns that resemble a lunge maneuver.

What is life-saving maneuver?

the heimlich maneuver

To perform the Valsalva maneuver pinch your nose When would you do this?

From WikipediaThe Valsalva maneuver is performed by forcibly exhaling against a closed airway. Variations of the maneuver can be used either in medicine, as a test of cardiac function and autonomic nervous control of the heart or to 'clear' the ears and sinuses (equalize pressure) when ambient pressure changes, as in diving or aviation. The technique is named after Antonio Maria Valsalva, the 17th Century physician and anatomist from Bologna, whose principal scientific interest was the human ear. He described the Eustachian tube and the maneuver to test its patency (openness). He also described the use of this maneuver to expel pus from the middle ear. A modified version is done by expiring against a closed glottis. This will elicit the cardiovascular responses described below but will not force air into the eustachian tubes. On a plane to make your ears pop

What is a sectence for maneuver?

That was a strange maneuver when he moved over there.

What part of speech is the word maneuver?

Maneuver can be either a noun or a verb.For example:NOUN: The police officer used a PIT maneuver to stop the fleeing suspect.VERB: I will maneuver my vehicle into position.

When did Piquissiri maneuver happen?

Piquissiri maneuver happened in 1868.

Is maneuver a verb?

Yes, it is a verb (to maneuver). But it can also be a noun.

Sentence in noun form for the word maneuver?

that was a great maneuver by john