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Q: The value of a(n) is most closely tied to its usefulness in generating testable hypotheses.?
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Science and technology, while often closely related, are two distinct subjects: Science, a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about nature and the universe.

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Property utility and highest and best use are both concepts in real estate and property valuation, and they are interconnected in the sense that the highest and best use of a property is closely related to its usefulness or satisfaction that a property provides to its owner or user.

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Scrutify is to examine closely.

What does it mean to closely examine?

closely look at.

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What is the adverb for close?

The adverb form of the adjective close is closely. It can refer to physical proximity or resemblance (closely spaced, closely related) or to careful attention (watched closely).

Is a dog a relative to a cat?

They are not closely at all closely related.

What are hawks closely related to?

Eagles are closely related to hawks.