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Q: The various enzymes in your bodies are what?
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Related questions

What is the compound of enzymes?

Various enzymes contain various compunds of protiens.

Chemical digestion is accomplished by these proteins?

when enzymes in our bodies break down food

Do your bodies run on enzymes?

No, enzymes just reduce the activation energy required to do a reaction.

Compeition among various enzymes for the same substrate?

Competition among various enzymes for same substrate

The digestive enzymes in yours bodies are?

ptyalin,lipase etc

When digestion occur?

when enzymes in our bodies break down food

What secretes enzymes that digest food outside their bodies?


Protein catalysts that speed up the various metabolic biological reactions in an organism are called?


Why did they call the Golgi bodies as the shipper and packager of cell?

golgi bodies are small, hollow, plate-like or cup-shaped bodies which modify, store and secrete enzymes and proteins.

What enzymes are present in human bodies?

There is a huge amount of enzyme types in the human body. We have digestive enzymes such as pepsinogen, cardiac enzymes such as Trop-I, liver enzymes such as GGT. If you are curious of enzymes in the human body I suggest you look at specific systems or organs. An example would be to ask the internets about "pancreatic enzymes".

What contain enzymes digest various substances?


The various enzymes in your body are considered which group of macromolecules?
