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Q: The velocity of a car changes from 15ms south to 5ms south in 2 seconds what is the acceleration of the car?
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Distinguish between velocity and acceration. Use an example to demonstrate your answer?

Velocity - rate of change of position Acceleration - change in velocity over time A car moving south at 20 m/s south has a constant velocity of 20 m/s southward. Let's assume this car starts to accelerate at 1 m/s2. This means that each and every second, the car's velocity will increase by 1 m/s.

Does a change in direction change acceleration?

Not exactly, it can change a few degrees of its direction, but cannot change its velocity because if it stops, the force of motion that goes with it will demolish the car therefore it cannot change it's velocity.++++???? If you put the question in everyday language, it is asking "Can a car change direction while accelerating?"Yes it can, provided the driver is careful to keep the acceleration and instant speed within safe limits. I emphasise 'speed' because the direction hence velocity - a vector value - is changing.I have no idea of the point about the remark about stopping - the supposed consequences are fiction, and the question is about accelerating.

What would a negative acceleration tell you about the object in motion?

the car is at a constant speed---------------------------------------------------------I'm pretty sure that if the acceleration is negative, the car is slowing down. But if the velocity is negative, the car is either heading south or down (velocity refers to speed and direction.. according to my physics teacher).

What is your velocity if you traveled 2000 m south in 400 seconds?

Velocity is distance/time. So, 2000/400 reduces to 5 m/s, but since velocity is a vector, direction MUST be stated along with the speed we just calculated. The final answer is 5 m/s South (or 270 degrees).

A car moves from a position 50 m south of the library to a new position 250 m north of the library This movement takes 15 seconds What is the velocity of the car?

20 m/s north

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Distinguish between velocity and acceration. Use an example to demonstrate your answer?

Velocity - rate of change of position Acceleration - change in velocity over time A car moving south at 20 m/s south has a constant velocity of 20 m/s southward. Let's assume this car starts to accelerate at 1 m/s2. This means that each and every second, the car's velocity will increase by 1 m/s.

Does a change in direction change acceleration?

Not exactly, it can change a few degrees of its direction, but cannot change its velocity because if it stops, the force of motion that goes with it will demolish the car therefore it cannot change it's velocity.++++???? If you put the question in everyday language, it is asking "Can a car change direction while accelerating?"Yes it can, provided the driver is careful to keep the acceleration and instant speed within safe limits. I emphasise 'speed' because the direction hence velocity - a vector value - is changing.I have no idea of the point about the remark about stopping - the supposed consequences are fiction, and the question is about accelerating.

What would a negative acceleration tell you about the object in motion?

the car is at a constant speed---------------------------------------------------------I'm pretty sure that if the acceleration is negative, the car is slowing down. But if the velocity is negative, the car is either heading south or down (velocity refers to speed and direction.. according to my physics teacher).

What are the similarities between speed and acceleration?

The two words are synonyms. However, in physics there is a more precise definition, which is a change in an object's position in a specified direction with time. So in everyday language we could say the speed of the car is 60 miles per hour, but in physics you'd say its velocity is 60 miles per hour North/South/East/West.

April swims 50 m north and then turns and swims 20 m back to the south what is her velocity if it takes her 60 seconds-?

If April swam 50 M North then swam 20 M South back then her velocity would be 16.66. This is a math problem.

Tom walked 450 m south He then turned and walked 150 m to the north in 600 seconds What was his velocity?

He walked 600m in 600 seconds so his velocity is 1m/s (one metre per second)

What best describes the difference between speed and acceleration?

Speed is the measure of distance covered in specific time - 7 metres in 2 seconds or 45 kilometres in 1 hourAcceleration is the change in velocityAcceleration is measured in metres per second per second (m/s/s)Velocity is speed with direction (5 m/s [North]) or 12 m/s [South 32° West]Not speed itselfIf a Formula 1 cars starting velocity is 0m/s (metres per second)And its final velocity is 27m/sThe difference is 27m/sIf this change happened in 3secondsAcceleration = 27 / 3Acceleration = 9m/s/s

Ed biked home from school in 400 seconds. his home in located 2000 m south of the school. what was his velocity?

5 m/s south

April moves from a position 5 m north of her front door to a new position that is 3 m south of her front door if this movement takes her 4 seconds what is her velocity?

Displacement: 8 m south Time: 4 seconds Therefore velocity = 2 metres per second Southwards.

What is the formulia for velocity?

Below are all formulas for average velocity, which is useless if you have something that has acceleration and/or starts at a certain speed. The equation for constant acceleration is:V = V0 + at Where V0 is the initial velocity (Which can be 0 if the initial velocity is unknown), a is the acceleration and t is the time.The_equation_is_distance_over_time!">The equation is distance over time!The equation for velocity is:V=(Δd)/(Δt)ΔV-is the velocityΔd-is the change in displacementΔt-is the change in timenote that Δd and V are vector quantities so direction is important. Δ a scalor quantity so it needs no direction.e.g.:Δd=15 km[south] Δt=30 minlet south be positiveV=15 km[south]/30minV=0.5 km/min[south]if needed convert min to sec by multiplying by 60e.g.:30*60=1800 sec

What is your velocity if you traveled 2000 m south in 400 seconds?

Velocity is distance/time. So, 2000/400 reduces to 5 m/s, but since velocity is a vector, direction MUST be stated along with the speed we just calculated. The final answer is 5 m/s South (or 270 degrees).

How Can a body moving with certain velocity in the direction of east have acceleration in the direction of west?

velocity is a vector quantity and also acceleration is a vector quantity. Suppose my automobile is travelling in north direction and I apply brakes to it then until the automobile stops it will move in north direction while the acceleration will act in south direction as brakes are applied.