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The speed of light is basically the speed limit in the Universe.

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Q: The velocity of light represents a cosmic speed?
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What represents the velocity of a light wave?

c = f x ^ (velocity)

Does Light have a speed or a velocity speed of light or velocity of light?

Light travels at the speed of light. There is no general velocity of light because velocity is a vector quantity, it also contains a direction and there is no preferred direction for light rays in general. Another answer: The speed of light has been calculated to be 186,000 miles per second.

Do you turn into jello when you hit terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity can mean different things. From your question, it seems that you are implying the velocity of light or the cosmic speed limit. Although practically impossible, if something does travel at speed of light ( 3 * 108m/s) , it would disintegrate eventually as matter converts to its energy equivalent.. (from the famous Einstein's E=mc2 )

Which of these is constant for ALL types of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum?

Answer = Velocity Velocity is the speed of light and, the speed of light, is a constant among Electromagnetic Radiation in the vacuum of space.

what is the velocity of light?

The velocity of light coming from a cars lights will be the speed of light C in the substance in front of the lights. It wont be the speed of light+the speed of the car however.

What is the velocity of car light?

The velocity of light coming from a cars lights will be the speed of light C in the substance in front of the lights. It wont be the speed of light+the speed of the car however.

What represents both the magnitude of speed and its direction?

its velocity, which is a vector.

What Atom can travel faster than the speed of light?

Nothing can exceed the speed of light - Einstein called it the "cosmic speed limit".

What is the speed of light too the second?

The speed of light is 3.00 x 10^9 m/s.

What term represents the magnitude of velocity vector?

The term "speed" is commonly used to designate the magnitude of the velocity vector.

How does the escape velocity from a black hole compare with the speed of light?

The escape velocity of a black hole is equal or greater than the speed of light, so light cannot escape

How fast are cosmic rays?

Cosmic rays are electromagnetic energy - like light. They quite naturally travel at the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second. Note that the cited speed applies to a vaccuum. Their speed appears to be less when they are passing through air or another medium. Sorry, I believe that this is incorrect. Cosmic rays are not light consisting of photons. At least 90% of them are high energy particles that consist of protons. They may be able to move close to the speed of light, but do not travel at the speed of light.