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External Urethral Sphincter

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Q: The voluntarily controlled sphincter fashioned by skeletal muscle at the point where the urethra passes through the pelvic floor is called the?
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How does the muscle of the internal anal sphincter differ from that of the external anal sphincter?

The internal urethral sphincter an involuntary sphincter that keeps the urethra closed when urine is not being used. The external urethral sphincter is fashioned by skeletal muscles as the urethra passes thorugh the pelvic floor.This sphincter is voluntary controlled.

Is skeletal muscle controlled voluntarily?


Are voluntarily controlled by skeletal or cardiac or smooth?

skeletal muscle is voluntarilt controlled and the other two are involuntarily contolled

What is the muscle tissue that is voluntarily controlled and found attached to the bone?

skeletal muscle

What type of muscle tissue is voluntarily controlled?

Generally, skeletal muscle is voluntarily controlled and smooth muscle is not. Some structures have a combination of both. For example, the bladder is made up of smooth muscle and consists of some skeletal muscle at the sphincter which is capable of "holding" it until you are ready.

Is the skeletal tissue voluntarily controlled?

Yes, skeletal tissue is the only tissue out of musclular and smooth tissue that is voluntary because you do not have to force the others to move.

What kind of tissue is skeletal cardiac or smooth?

Muscle tissue. Cardiac: the muscles in or related to the heart Skeletal: muscles that you can voluntarily control, such as your biceps Smooth: muscles in or around your organs, which cannot be voluntarily controlled (ie. the muscles in your stomach or intestines)

Which types of muscles are involuntary?

Of the three types of muscle, the two that are involuntary are cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

The internal urethral sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle whereas the external urethral sphincter the lower sphincter is composed of smooth muscle and thus is under involuntary control?

it is the opposite. The internal sphincter is composed of smooth muscles while the external one is composed of skeletal muscles

What is a ring of skeletal muscle that regulates the movement of a bolus into the esophagus?

The Upper Esophageal Sphincter is a ring of skeletal muscle that controls the movement of food from pharynx to esophagus.

Which generalization concerning movement by skeletal muscles is not true?

During contraction the two articulating bones move equally

What tissue can be moved voluntarily?

Skeletal muscles are under voluntary control; smooth muscles and cardiac muscles aren't.