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Q: The water in a cup of coffee is the?
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Does a coffee cup hold up to 1 liter of water?

It depends on how big the coffee cup is.

The water in the cup of coffee is the what?


What kind of heat transfer is a cup of coffee?

A cup of coffee is an example of convection because the heat from the water warms up everything in the cup and all the atoms are bouncing off the cup[ in the coffee] of coffee because the coffee is hot.

How many tablespoons of coffee for every cup of water do you put in a coffee machine?

for every cup 7 grams.

In a cup of instant coffee what is the solvent?

Hot water will be the solvent , sugar and the coffee powder will be the solutes

How much water does it take to make coffee?

For a full cup of coffee you need approximately a cup of water.

How do you separate coffee granulesfrom a cup of coffee?

by drinking it then you will be left with it.

How do you get water out of a metal coffee cup?

Leeroy Jenkins will help

A woman unwrapped a lump of sugar she put it into her coffee the sugar did not get wet how can this be?

The coffee cup was empty. There was no water in the coffee.

Is their a coffee maker that heats the water to an optimal tempature for the perfect cup of coffee?

Yes the Bella Professional BPR Coffee Maker.

Does Starbucks offer free refills?

Only if you f*** the manager

How many calories in 1 cup water?

Most coffee is low calorie, between 0 and 10 calories per cup depending on the brand and ingredients. This only applies to plain, black coffee. Adding milk, sugar, creamer, ect. into the coffee racks up many more calories.