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Q: The way in which objects exert forces on each other is described by what?
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The way in which objects exert forces on each other is described by?


The force that objects exert on each other because of their masses?

This force is called gravity, and it is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass. It follows the law of universal gravitation, where the force is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects.

When two objects collide they exert forces on each other that change momentum?

Yes, when two objects collide, they exert forces on each other that can change their velocities and momenta according to the principle of conservation of momentum. Depending on the type of collision (elastic vs inelastic), the total momentum before and after the collision may remain constant.

What is forces two objects exert on each other is called an?

Electrostatic attraction or repulsion, magnetic attraction or repulsion, gravitational attraction.

What exert action-reaction forces with objects such as hands or canoe paddles?

The objects exert action-reaction forces on each other. When pushing against an object like a wall with your hands or paddling a canoe, the object exerts an equal and opposite force back on you. This is known as Newton's Third Law of Motion.

What is the attractive force that all objects exert on one another?

There are four fundamental forces in our universe that dictate how matter and energy interact. One of the forces, gravity, causes anything with mass, i.e. anything made of atoms, to attract other massive objects. Gravity is the weakest of the four forces and is one of the most difficult to explain.

Out of the Sun Earth the Moon and a Book which one exert the stronget gravitational force on you?

The Earth exerts the greatest gravitational force on you because it is the most massive object you are closest to. The Earth exerts a force equal to your weight. The other objects exert gravitational forces but are not very noticeable because they are either low in mass or separated from you by great distance.

Do two objects exert gravitational force on each other?


What is the pull that all objects exert on each other?

Gravity is the force of attraction that all objects with mass exert on each other. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the sun and objects on Earth's surface, among other phenomena.

What two forces of newton's third law states that exert on each other?

action and reaction forces

Is the force that objects exert on each other because of their masses?

That would be "Gravity".

Do charged particles exert force on each other?

yes. same forces repel each other and opposite forces attract.