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Q: The width of each bar in histogram corresponds to the?
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What does the width of each bar in a histogram corresponds to?

The class interval.

What is the difference between bar and histogram?

Bars are for single values or classes with uniform width, and the height of each bar is the frequency. In a histogram, the classes are of different width and the heights are proportional to the frequency density. The frequency, itself, is given by the area of the "bar" above the class.

What is a histogarm?

A histogram is a kind of bar chart in which the bars are not all of the same width, and the heights of the bars are such that the area of each bar represents the frequency for that category.

How does a histogram differ from a bar graph?

the histogram has spaces in between each bar whereas the bar graph doesn't have spaces

What does the height of a bar in a histogram represent?

The frequency density. That is, the frequency divided by the class width.

Each bar in a what indicates the frequency of a interval?


What is histograma?

Histograma is a Spanish of histogram. Histogram is a bar graph in which data are divided into equal intervals, with a bar for each interval. The height of each bar shows the number of data values in that interval.

Why are the bars on the histogram touching and not separated?

Your observation is correct for a histogram that involves numbers. The width of each bar indicates the span of that group -- the left-hand edge is the lowest value in the group and the right-hand edge is the highest. A histogram indicates how many counts that fall within the specific boundaries of a bar as indicated by the bar width (the bar height indicates the count). For example, if I decide that the bar width should be one unit each, I construct the histogram with bars one unit wide. However, when the count is zero for some intervals, then there will be a gap of one unit wide. I probably increase my bar width to avoid gaps, so that all bars are touching. Under certain abnormal circumstances will I see gaps. Now the story is different for bar graphs. They are normally made of categories (for example, apples, pears, and oranges). In this case, the gap between bars is fine. ============================

What the difference between histogram and a bar graph?

A bar graph cannot have classes with different width. The height of a bar graph represents the frequency attributed to that class whereas in a histogram the area of a "bar" is proportional to the frequency, the height represents the frequency density.

Can bar graphs touch each other?

No, if they are, it is called a histogram

What does each bar in a histogram represent?

I think it represents a frequency.

What is a special type of bar graph that displays the frequencies of data in given intervals of equal width?
