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Q: The work of several scientists helped to show that the hereditary material is?
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In the Hershey and Chase experiment that helped confirm that DNA not protein was the hereditary material the key finding was that?

The correct answer is: Radioactively labeled phosphorus was present inside the infected bacteria.

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It has helped the scientists predict the weather, learn how the planets actually are, and understand what space actually is.

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It was lava (volcanic magma) from undersea volcanic vents.

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The principle of fossil succession and the theory of evolution have helped scientists explain the fossil record.

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James Hutton and Charles Lyell were the two scientists that helped Darwin recognize how old the Earth is.

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microscopes have helped scientists to dicover cells and discover their functions. they have helped scientists examine the anatomy of tiny organisms and insects, and inspect organs of all species more closely.

How did the Hershey and Chase experiment produce evidence that DNA and not protein is the hereditary material and viruses?

They found that all of the viral DNA and little of the protein had entered E. coli cells. Then they concluded that DNA is the hereditary molecule in viruses.

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I dont know D:

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Microscopes were what lead to the discovery of cells!

Is Kevlar a smart material?

Yes kevlar is a smart material. Hope I helped :)

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