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State Governments.

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Q: The writers of the constitution originally provided that most of the powers of government belong to?
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What does it mean that the writers of the Constitution provided a process for amending?

The constitution can be changed.

This is a system of government designed by the writers of the constitution it is a union of states under a central government?

Federal system of government!!

What is the constitutional basis for the inherent powers of the federal government?

They were assumed by the writers of the Constitution to be necessary to the government to function

This is the system of government designed by the writers of the constitution it is a union of states under a central government?

Federal System of Government(NovaNet)

Who influenced the writers of the Constitution he also wriote the Two Treatises of Government?

John Locke

Why were the writers of the constitution afraid of giving the central government too much power?

the bill of rights

Why did the writers of the constitution add balances to the federal government?

To allow leaders to make bolder decisions

The fact that the us constitution provided for federalism and a system of checks and balances suggests that?

its writers feared a concentration of political power.

Why did writers of the constitution add checks and balances to the federal government?

To allow leaders to make bolder decisions

What does it mean that the Constitution provides for a separation of powers?

The separation of powers have to do with the writers of the constitution's concern for making one person the most powerful in the new government.

How has the roman influenced ou form of government in the US?

The ideals of the Roman Republic inspired the writers of the American Constitution.

Why did the writers add the Constitution add checks and balances to the federal government?

To allow leaders to make bolder decisions