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African Sleeping Sickness

-Ur From NEISD (;

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Q: The zooflagellate Trypanosoma causes the disease known as?
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What protists is known to cause African sleeping sickness?

The protist Trypanosoma causes African Sleeping Sickness.

Trypanosomiasis is also known as what?

Trypanosomiasis is commonly known as African Sleeping Sickness, but the term trypanosomiasis is also applied to Chagas Disease. Both diseases are caused by a protozoan of the family Trypanosoma.

Trypanosoma brucei common name?

It is also known as the sleeping illness.

What is immunodeficiency disease?

A Failure of the immune system

Does wheils disease do?

Weil's Disease is also known as Leptospirosis. It causes kidney failure, bleeding and causes a person to turn the color yellow.

What diseases are caused by ciliates?

The member of ciliate family which causes disease is known as Balantidium coli. The microorganism causes fatal disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

These large complex single celled organisms can cause disease like African sleeping sickness?

They are known as protozoa. They include free-living forms (amebas and paramecia) as well as parasites.

What is also known as Bright's disease known as?

glomerulonephritis, also known as BRIGHT' disease, is a type of kidney disease caused by inflammation of the glomeruli that causes red blood cells and proteins to leak into the urine

Is the flu virus is name for the disease it causes?

The flu viruses cause the infectious respiratory disease known as influenza.

Is a virus is the smallest thing that can cause disease?

yes it a disease to your body and is what causes a cold

What is a carrier of an agent capable of causing disease?

A bacteria or virus that causes disease is known as a pathogen.

What is Hansen's disease also known as?

it's leprosy!! :D I'm in microbiology and it is the disease of the week. the organism that causes it is called mycobacterium leprae