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the big bang is one of the theories but God made everything. all of the stuff that happened in The Bible it has happened here.

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2d ago

There are various scientific theories explaining the creation of the Earth, with the most widely accepted being the nebular hypothesis. This theory suggests that the solar system formed from a massive cloud of gas and dust about 4.6 billion years ago. Other theories include the giant impact hypothesis, proposing that the Moon was formed from debris after a collision with a Mars-sized body, and the gravitational instability hypothesis, suggesting that the Earth formed directly from the collapse of a molecular cloud.

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Difference between micro and macro-level theories from sociologists views?

There are two types of sociological theories: macro and micro. Macro theories focus on the society as a whole and aim at establishing the general characteristics of the society. It is basically looking at the society as a whole and looking at a bigger picture. It aims to answer three basic questions: 1) What holds the societies together? 2) What are the sources of conflict in a society? 3) How do societies change? There are two branches of macro-sociological theories: consensus and conflict, with the main representative being functionalist and marxist respectively. Micro theories on the other hand, focus on the individuals who make up the society unlike macro theory which looks at the society as a whole. Micro theories are small scale. Consider it a magnifying glass, when you look through it, you 'zoom' in to the society and see the individuals who have made up that particular society.

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Knowledge creation involves generating new information or insights through research or innovation processes. Knowledge discovery involves finding existing knowledge that was previously unknown or hidden, often through data analysis or exploration. In essence, knowledge creation involves producing new knowledge, while knowledge discovery involves uncovering existing knowledge.

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What is the difference between inductive and deductive approaches to research?

Inductive research involves collecting data, identifying patterns, and developing theories based on those patterns, while deductive research starts with a hypothesis and uses data to test and confirm or reject that hypothesis. Inductive research is exploratory and generates new theories, while deductive research is confirmatory, testing existing theories.

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The creation of a project charter is part of the Project Integration Management knowledge area. It is the first process in the project management process group and involves formally authorizing a project.

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What are the different earth theories?

Do you mean the formation of the Earth? If so, the two competing theories are creation and evolution, as in the formation of the observable universe by the Big Bang.

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One of it is the Big Bang Theory.

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In Buddhism there is both a spiritual creation and a physical creation of the world depending on which of the three creation theories the Buddhist believes.

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OEC is an umbrella term for various ideas on the Creation. These include the Gap Theory and Progressive Creationism. Suggest you look it up via the phrase 'old earth creationism' as it it too long to summarize here.

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It would be difficult to find a definite answer for that question. However, there are at least two peer reviewed journals which are dedicated to publishing creation theories. These are Journal of Creation published by CMI, and CRSQ, published by the creation research society.

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There are three basic theories concerning creation- young earth creation, old earth creation, and no creation at all. "No creation" can be divided into three groups:Traditional Darwinism- in which descendants of organisms are born with traits to help them where their parents struggled. (This theory lacks basic understanding of genetics and has been discredited in scientific circles.)Neo-Darwinism- the theory that mutations are born with randomly selected traits, the unfavorable of which are culled by natural selection, thus propagating those species with favorable traits.Punctuated Equilibrium- the theory that there are long periods without evolution accented with short periods of rapid evolutionary progress. (A naturalistic mechanism for this has yet to be fully explained, so this theory usually only accompanies new age and other cosmic humanistic beliefs.)Old earth creation has the highest number of theories, but three very popular ones are explained here: Theistic Evolution- similar to Neo-Darwinism, but it replaces natural selection with God as the determiner of favorable species.Day-Age Theory- again, similar to Neo-Darwinism and Theistic Evolution, but it places the order of evolved organisms in the same order as recorded in Genesis.Gap Theory- the belief that Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 are millions of years apart. First, when it says God created the heavens and the earth, He did so through theistic evolution. When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, he created a natural disaster called the "luciferan flood" that wiped out life on earth. God then repopulated the earth through traditional creationist means.Young earth creation includes things like Biblical Creation that say that God created the earth in a very short period of time supernaturally, without the use of evolution. The identity of God in all of these theories is not agreed upon, because these are origins beliefs, not theological ones.

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The earth is an oblate spheroid. There are no different theories regarding this. There are some misguided or ignorant people that do not believe this.