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Q: Theory that evolutionary change occurs slowly?
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The evolutionary theory that suggests that a species slowly and continuously evolves over a long period of time is?

Gradualism. This theory proposes that evolution occurs gradually over many generations through small, incremental changes in populations.

The theroy that evolution occurs slowly but steadily?

No, it happens in small leaps. This is called punctuated equilibrium. Gradualism is actually the answer to the question though punctuated equilibrium is also another tempo of evolutionary change.

What theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily?

Gradualism is the concept but I would not give it the ranking of scientific theory. It is more a subset of the theory of evolution by natural selection and was first formulated into that theory by Darwin.

What is gradualism?

Gradualism is the policy of gradual reform rather than sudden change or revolution; in biology, the theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily rather than abruptly.

What is believed the main way species evolve?

Theory is they change slowly over time as they adapt and the ones that can't die out.

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A geographical change means one which occurs to the land and its features. This can be a result of natural events like flood or erosion which slowly eat away at the Earth's surface.

Theory that evolution change occurs slowly and gradually?

That is called "Gradualism" (the alternate being "Punctuated Equilibrium").

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Slowly when the summer goes away

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When you put a flask over the candle in a pan of water, the water in the pan starts to slowly rise inside the flask, and as the water slowly starts to rise, the candle slowly burns out.

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The theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily is called?

Darwin's classic theory of evolution assumed that evolution is a slow, contunuous process, by which new species evolve and emerge. This is referred to at times as "organic evolution" and the "synthetic theory of evolution", or just the Darwinian theory of evolution. A newer theory, proposed originally by Niles Eldridge and Stephen Jay Gould is known as "punctuated equilibria", a model in which the evloution of new species occurs only periodically, in relatively rapid spurts. See "Time Frames the Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibraia, Simon & Schuster, 1985"AnswerThe slow, constant process has also been called "gradualism."