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Q: There are no intervertebral discs between these two bones?
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Where on the bone is cartlidge located?

cartilage :- it is a connective tissue which lies at joints between the bones or surrounding the bone it is mainly of two kinds hylaine cartilage and fibro cartilage the other areas where cartilage are found are :the rib cage, theear, the nose, the elbow, the knee, the ankle, the bronchial tubes and the intervertebral discs

Where is the formina?

vertebrae Inter means "between", vertebral obviously means vertebrae as mentioned above, and foramina is plural for foramen, which is a hole. Intervertebral foramina are formed in the space between two vertebrae. When two or more vertebral bones are stacked, the intervertebral foramina would be inferior to the pedicles of the superior vertebrae and superior to the pedicles of the inferior vertebrae. It will create a hole that goes between the two vertebrae horizontally. The spinal cord goes through the vertebral foramen vertically, and the nerve roots slip out horizontally through the intervertebral foramina.

Where do you have disks in the body?

Discs, often called intervertebral discs, lie in between each vertebra in your spine. They act as a cushioning device and have two parts, an inner semi fluid area and around that a strong outer collar. They act as shock absorbers when we run, jump, twist etc, preventing the vertebrae (which are bone) from rubbing against each other.

What is sarcomere?

area in the muscle between the two Z discs.

Is there a blank disc size in between 700mb and 4.7 gb?

The 700MB discs are CDs and the 4.7GB discs are DVDs. There is no standard disc between these two.

In between two bones there is?

Between two bones, there is a ligament, which is why you can bend your knee without the bones scraping against each other.

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What is the advantage of having a softer material between the bones?

If bones did not have a softer material (cartilage) between them, then they would grind against each other, which would cause damage. The bones would wear out at the joints.

What are connections between two bones are called?

The place where two bones connect is called a joint; the bones are held in place by ligaments.

Does extension decrease the angle between two bones?

Flexion decreases the angle between two bones in a joint. Extension increases that angle.

Where is the intervertebral foramen?

When you look on the side of a vertebral column, the intervertebral foramen is an opening that can be found between the two bodies and inferior articular processes of an adjacent, stacked pair of vertebrae. (There is a picture of the intervertebral foramen attached in the related links) A Way to Remember: Inter means between Vertebral means pertaining to the vertebrae Foramen means hole It literally means "hole between the vertebrae!"

What is between the two bones?

spongy and compact