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It is Venus

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Q: There is a bright star below the moon what is it?
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What is the bright star below the moon?

Polaris, or the north star. Right now on August 7th, the really-really bright star below the moon is Jupiter.

What is the star visible just below the moon on Jan 11th 2010?

The bright star near the Moon on January 11, 2010 is Antares.

What is the very bright star below the moon?

April 16, 2010: Venus is directly below the moon. Mercury is directly below Venus.This will all change by April 17.

What is the bright star next to the moon?

Venus is the brightest star next to moon

What is really bright?

the sun, a light bulb, a star, the moon

What does it mean when a relationship is uncertain and the couple saw the bright moon and a single shining star together two nights in a row?

Probably you saw the moon next to a planet, or another bright star. There are some bright stars - like Antares - which are near the Ecliptic.

Who is Uncle bright Star?

Uncle Bright Star is Windrider's uncle and Moon Shadow's great-uncle in the book, Dragonwings. He is the head of the Company and the father of Black Dog.

What are the two factors that determine how bright a star looks from earth?

proximity to the moon and distance

What star or planet is visible next to the moon on August 4 2009?

On August 4, 2009, the bright star Regulus was visible next to the Moon in the evening sky. Regulus is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and can often be seen near the Moon during its monthly journey across the sky.

What might a scientist conclude about a very bright red star?

It is nothing just the moon and Jupiter....Jupiter shines the light on the moon

Every night you see a bright star near your moon what is it?

Since the Moon moves across the sky about 12 degrees per night, there will be no bright star near the Moon "every night". Last night (September 11, 2009) the Moon was fairly close the Betelgeuse, the red giant star at the shoulder of Orion. Tonight, September 12, 2009, the Moon will be very near the planet Mars. Both have a similar reddish color to them.

What is current bright star near the moon 630 pm central time?

It's not a star, It's a planet: Venus! Beautiful, isn't it? Diego