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Q: These are the most common renewable energy resources used in the Nordic nations?
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What are the most common renewable resources used in the Nordic nations?

What are most common renewable energy resources used in the Nordic nations.Geothermal energy in Iceland.

The most common renewable energy resources used in the Nordic nations are hydroelectric and?

biothermal, hydroelectric

Which are the most common renewable energy resources used in the nordic nations?

solar and biomass hope it helps.

What is a reneweble resource?

Renewable resources can be replenished once they have been depleted. Some examples of common renewable resources are solar power, wind power, and geothermal power.

What is reneweble resource?

Renewable resources can be replenished once they have been depleted. Some examples of common renewable resources are solar power, wind power, and geothermal power.

What are some nonrenewable resources you use in your life?

Food is grown or raise and is the most common renewable resources in every one life.

Why are nonrenewable energy resources used more frequently then renewable ones?

The power resources that have been in common use for a long time is termed as conventional power resources.

What two advantages do solar power wind power and hydropower all have in common?

both use renewable resources

What are 4 non sources?

The four most common non-renewable resources are gas, oil, coal and copper.

What are the most common renewable energy resources used in the nordic nations?

1 History 1.1 Origins1.2 Foundations of the academic discipline2 Positivism and anti-positivism 2.1 Positivism2.2 Antipositivism3 Theoretical frameworks 3.1 Functionalism3.2 Conflict theory3.3 Contemporary social theory4 Structure and agency5 Research Methodology 5.1 Sampling5.2 Types of method5.3 Computational sociology5.4 Practical applications of social research6 Scope and topics 6.1 Culture6.2 Criminality, deviance, law and punishment6.3 Economic sociology6.4 Environment6.5 Education6.6 Family, gender, and sexuality6.7 Health and illness6.8 Internet6.9 Knowledge and science6.10 Media6.11 Military6.12 Political sociology6.13 Race and ethnic relations6.14 Religion6.15 Social networks6.16 Social psychology6.17 Stratification6.18 Urban and rural sociology6.19 Work and industry7 Sociology and other academic disciplines

What natural Resources are at risk?

a natrual reouces isnthe common in ur state

What do renewable and nonrenewable resources have in common?

Non-renewable resources are things that can only be used once, like coal, oil and natural gas, (because it will take millions of years for them to be produced again). When these are burned, they let off carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.Renewable resources are things that we can use, and they will still be there tomorrow to be used again. Sunlight and the power of the wind, the waves and the ocean tides are all renewable. We can use them today to generate electricity, and then do the same tomorrow, and probably for ever. Unlike the fossil fuels above, they have no carbon emissions once they are set up.What they have in common is that they can all be used to produce electricity to power our cities, factories and transport.