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Gravitatonal pull

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Q: These forces keep the planets and other heavenly bodies to stay in their orbits?
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Why planets and moons of planets stay in their orbits?

The forces of gravity between two masses are the cause of all orbits.

What holds the planets in their orbits?

Gravity holds the planets in their orbit

Which scientists determined the nature of the forces that kept the planets in their orbits?


Newton learned that the orbits of planets are the result of what two forces?

Gravity and inertia.

What are the 2 forces not keeps the planets in their respective orbits?

Centripetal force and Gravity

What forces cause the planets to go around the sun and stay in their orbits?


How did Johannes Kepler figure out that the planets had an elliptical orbit?

The circular orbits that were being used at the time to model the solar system did not quite work with mathematical predictions or observations. Kepler found that elliptical orbits provided more accurate predictions of where the heavenly bodies would appear in the sky.

What is the shape of the Earth's obit around the sun?

The earth's orbit, like almost all orbits of heavenly bodies, is an ellipse.

Which planet is large body and orbits the sun?

All the planets are large bodies that orbit the sun.

How are planet's kept in orbit?

planets are in orbit because of the suns gravitational field chupa naman diyan Planets are kept in their orbits by gravitational forces.

Can planets and dwarf planets revolve around the sun?

Yes, they revolve around the sun in their orbits. Their orbits depend on their weight, which would determine the weight of gravity in individual cases, and the planets are controlled by their own gravity and the centrifugal and centriputal forces always in effect.

Are there forces in space?

Of course. That's how planets, comets, and moons are maintained in closed orbits around other masses.