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Q: These two English documents outlined the ideas that people should be represented in their government and have certain legal rights?
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How did the plan of government outlined in the Mayflower Compact differ from the English government?

It outlined majority rule, as opposed to subjection to a sovereign King.

After which two british documents did the the Americans model their new government?

The English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta

Which two English documents did Americans based their political ideas for government?

The Mayflower Compact, the Gettysburg Address

Which two documents set up the structure and function of the US government?

The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights

What documents influenced ideas about Government in the United States?

The documents that influenced ideas about government include: - Magna Carta - The Constitution - English Bill of Rights - Mayflower Compact - Declaration of Independence - State Constitutions - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

The main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

To declare that the colonies in N. America were seceding from the English government under King George III. And it outlined the reasons why the colonialists were doing that.

What documents did Americans look to when creating a new government?

The English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta. These were the only two because England had limited the power of its kings and queens in two documents.

Did the articles of confederation and the US Constitution provide for the french and English settlers?

The Articles of Confederation as well as the United States Constitution were intended to define the rights of citizens of the country. If French and English settlers were citizens of the colonies, the rights that were outlined in both documents would represent them as well.

Four early documents that established basic rights for people and government?

if it's for your government homework it's John Locke's "Two Treaties on Government, English Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, and Petition of Right

What documents influenced idea about in the US?

The documents that influenced ideas about government include: - Magna Carta - English Bill of Rights - Mayflower Compact - Declaration of Independence - State Constitutions - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Which two English documents influenced American government?

the constitution and the declaration of independence

Why would President Madison want government documents secured in light of the invasion of Washington DC?

First thing to think about: It is less than 40 years since "The Declaration Of Independence" and that would be one of the government documents secured against the invading English. As suspected the English burned all important Government buildings in Washinton while they occupied it and any documents not "Secured" were burnt. That was why even as Inept Madison was in predicting the occupation, he understood what need protecting while his wife tried to save the White House Silver.