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A:According to 1 Samuel 10:1, Samuel anointed Saul. Then, in 1 Samuel 16:13, Samuel anointed the young boy David as the future king. In 2 Samuel 2:4, the men of Judah anointed David king of Judah and in 2 Samuel 5:3, the elders of Israel anointed David king of Israel.

Chronicles does not mention any anointing of Saul, but says that the elders of Israel anointed David.

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11y ago
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8y ago

According to tradition, King David was the second king of the Israelites. See also:

More about King David

List of the Israelite kings

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Gary Hedrick

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1y ago

The third king of Israel hasn't arrived yet. No, Saul wasn't the first king of Israel--at least, not as far as God was concerned. He was never anointed (i.e., acknowledged by God) as king and didn't meet God's qualifications. His reign, then, was illegitimate. David was the first "anointed" (i.e., divinely endorsed) king of a united Israel (2 Sam. 7)--and that divine anointing placed him in the lineage of the Messiah, the ultimate Anointed One. David's son Solomon, then, was the second king of united Israel. Then, when Solomon died, the kingdom was splintered into northern and southern factions. Today, we finally have a reunited Israel (both north and south), but no king as yet. However, the third king of united Israel is on His way. He will be Yeshua (Jesus), "the son of David" via the genealogical line of His mother, Miriam (Mary). He came the first time 2,000 years ago as God's Suffering Servant (Isa. 53), but will come the second time as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16).

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8y ago

King David was the second king of Israel. He drove out the Philistines.

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13y ago

The third king of Israel was King Solomon.

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4y ago

prophet isaiah

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