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Q: This controversial sleeping pill is a benzodiazepine depressant George HW Bush used it until 1992 when it was banned in Britain which linked it to confusion hallucinations and hostility What is you?
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Can doxycycline cause hallucinations?

Some patients have reported hallucinations and confusion following the use of doxycycline.

Is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?

headaches, vertigo, hallucinations, confusion

Can oramorph cause confusion or hallucinations?

It can do both, since it's a fairly strong opiate.

What are the signs of advanced hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

further chemical derangements, with associated confusion, hallucinations, seizures, and lung complications.

What are the symptoms of encephalitis?

The most common symptoms are confusion, agitated behaviors (such as thrashing, grasping, strking out at staff), visual hallucinations and headache pains.

Does codeine cause hallucinations and confusion?

Codeine creates hallucinations that can enhance colors or make you think you see things moving. I don't suggest taking a lot of codeine and going out anywhere. It creates major paranoia and can leave you very anxious and confused.

What are possible side effects from transdermal scopolamine?

short-term memory loss, fatigue, confusion, hallucinations, difficulty urinating, and changes in heart rate

What are the mental symptoms of pellagra?

Mental symptoms of pellagra can include confusion, memory loss, irritability, anxiety, and depression. In severe cases, individuals may experience hallucinations and delusions. These symptoms result from a niacin deficiency, which is a key nutrient for brain function.

What are symptoms of late stage kuru?

As the disease progresses, the individual experiences stiff muscles, involuntary movements, problems talking, hallucinations, increased confusion, blindness, and sometimes dementia .

Which of these is an effect of depressant use?

Depressants are often times referred as downers. The use of depressant may have short term effects like confusion, fever, dizziness, dilated pupils, slowed breathing and pulse and also depression.

What is acute condition caused by a high fever that is characterized by confusion disorientation disordered thinking agitation and hallucinations is known as?

This may be a sign of Heat Stroke, or Heat Exhaustion. Delirium

What term means an acute condition of confusion disorientation disordered thinking and memory agitation and hallucinations?

Delirium-often times confused with Dementia, just remember Dementia isnt considered acute.