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There are, in general, two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses each year. Sometimes the Sun, Moon and Earth don't line up QUITE accurately, and instead of having one total eclipse, we get two partial eclipses a month apart. The lowest possible number of solar eclipses in any calendar year is one; the maximum is five, which would work out to two partial solar eclipses in January, one total eclipse in July, and two partials in December. Both extremes are pretty rare.

We _see_ many more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses, even though the numbers are approximately equal. The Moon is a lot smaller than the Earth, and so the Moon's shadow is much smaller yet. A solar eclipse is visible only across a fairly narrow path along the surface of the Earth. Only people along that path can experience the eclipse. The total phase of a solar eclipse never lasts longer than 8 minutes. For a partial eclipse, it is likely that a lot of people won't notice the eclipse at all, because even if half the Sun were blocked, the other half of the Sun would continue to provide plenty of light. It might feel as if a thin cloud layer had dimmed the Sun slightly.

A lunar eclipse, on the other hand, happens ON THE MOON, and everybody on the night half of the Earth can see it. Even for a partial eclipse, it's very visible. The Earth is much larger than the Moon, and the Earth's shadow is large enough to completely darken the entire Moon and keep it mostly dark for over an hour.

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What type of eclipse occurs with the greatest frequency?

Lunar eclipses occur more frequently than Solar eclipses. About 70 eclipses take place in regular cycles lasting 18 years and 8 or 9 days; usually 41 of these eclipses are solar and 29 are lunar.

What are the kinds of eclipses?

On earth there are 2 eclipses, Lunar and Solar eclipses

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'C' (the missing one) is the correct choice.

What are the eclipses of the sun and moon called?

Solar and lunar eclipses

Where did the first solar eclipse occur?

Solar eclipses are caused by the shadow of the Moon hitting the Earth. Solar eclipses happen on the Earth.

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All eclipses are shadows. A solar eclipse is the Moon's shadow on the Earth. A lunar eclipse is the Earth's shadow on the Moon.

Which moon phase do solar eclipses happen?

Solar eclipses can only occur at the new moon, while all lunar eclipses happen at the full moon.

Do solar eclipses happen every time the moon travels around the earth?

No, solar eclipses can be years apart.

Are some solar eclipses not total?

Yes, these are called partial eclipses.

Why do most people think that lunar eclipses occur more often then a solar eclipses?

Because for any given point on Earth, lunar eclipses are visible more often than solar eclipses.

How are solar eclipses possible?

Solar eclipses will occur when sun, earth, and moon are in line with each other and moon is the center on it.

What certain alignments of Earth the Moon and the Sun cause?

It can cause lunar eclipses, and solar eclipses.