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SNCC* (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee)

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Q: This group was formed in 1960 to organize peaceful disobedience to segregation laws throughout the American South They played key roles in organizing the Freedom Rides in 1961 and the famous March on?
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What pedestrian planted apple trees throughout the American wilderness?

John Chapman (Johnny appleseed) (:

Which was true of the school systems in the north?

This is the whole question: Which was true of school systems in the North? A. Most African American schools had white teachers. B. There was no segregation. C. They were separate but equal. D. African American schools received less money than white schools did. the correct answer is: D

Which way is the Nazca plate moving?

The Nazca plate is moving southeast towards the South American plate, which is less dense, therefore causing the Nazca plate to be driven under the South American plate at about 77mm per year. The collision of these plates is responsible for lifting the massive Andes Mountains and causing the volcanoes which are strewn throughout them.

Why is oil and natural gas important?

The oil and natural gas industry is the backbone of the American economy and what happens in the industry reverberates throughout the entire economy. That's because the industry supports more than 9 million American jobs and makes significant economic contributions as an employer and purchaser of American goods and services. In 2009, the most recent year for which data is available, the industry supported a total value added to the national economy of more than $1 trillion or 7.7 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product.

How do you convert Australian sizes to American sizes in kids shoes?

Converting American Sizes to AustralianEach American size is 4 digits less than the equivalent Australian size. Examples:Size 2 American = Size 6 AustralianSize 4 American = Size 8 AustralianSize 6 American = Size 10 Australian

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Was the segregation good for African American?


How was the greensboro sit in a civil disobedience?

The Greensboro sit-in was a form of civil disobedience where African American students peacefully protested against racial segregation by sitting at a whites-only lunch counter. They remained seated despite being refused service, sparking national attention and inspiring similar protests across the country. This act was a key moment in the Civil Rights Movement.

How was Rosa Parks Loyal?

Rosa Parks demonstrated loyalty by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person during the segregation era in the United States. This act of civil disobedience showed her loyalty to the cause of equal rights and dignity for African Americans.

How are Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott related to the American civil rights movement civil disobedience and racial segregation?

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the colored section of the bus to a white passenger after the white section was filled. In disobeying a bus driver, she was exercising civil disobedience, and the whole issue was one of racial segregation, since the seats would not have been separate and she would not have been asked to give hers up had it not been for racism and the idea that somehow the color of your skin makes you more or less likely to need or deserve a seat on the bus. Rosa was arrested for Civil Disobedience, and her cause became a popular one in the civil rights movement, influencing the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Martin Luther King, Jr, and eventually the bus segregation rules were overturned as unconstitutional in Browder v. Gayle.

What was the major impact of Plessy v. Ferguson upon American society?

it upheld segregation laws and made segregation the law of the land

Did Caucasians face segregation?

In a way, yes they did. Since segregation is splitting Caucasians and African American people up. They were separated from them too.

5 Which American author influenced Gandhi's idea of civil disobedience?

Henry david thoreau

Who wrote On Civil Disobedience as a response against the Mexican-American War?

Henry David Thoreau

Who wrote on Civil Disobedience as a response against the Mexican American War?

Henry David Thoreau.

What question does Langston Hughes work raise about American history?

Langston Hughes's work raises questions about the treatment of African Americans throughout American history, such as issues around racism, segregation, and discrimination. His poetry and writings prompt reflection on the ongoing struggle for equality and justice in the United States.

What did the web do?

Web Dubois urged the African American to fight segregation in the country.

Who was the critical thinker and American philosopher who advocated civil disobedience when laws are unjust?

Henry David Thoreau