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There is a chance that this guy is cheating. The best thing you can do is ask him or tell the girl what you think is happen.

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Q: This guy and a girl r a couple but he is saying that they are only going to date each other doesn't want to say he's her boyfriend Is it possible that he is cheating on her?
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Relationships are hard. Even though its logical to believe the worst, him not saying "I love you" doesnt mean hes cheating on you. I think you should ask him about the change. It may be possible that he doesnt know what hes doing, or that there is a bigger problem.

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If your boyfriend is denying (to anyone) that you're his girlfriend, then perhaps he isn't the right guy for you after all. Nevermind whether he's cheating on you or not, if he is telling you one thing and other people another, he's being deceptive and is probably not worth your time.

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well if the girl doesnt belive that he is cheating on her then get proof of it and tell her and show her. then start spending time with her and win her heart. but remember to not put to much pressure on her just settle for being a friend for a couple weeks cuzz you dont want to end up playn the rebound guy, you want her all so take it slow.

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you wait a couple days if he finds some one new then he doesnt love....but if he doesnt and if he seems miserible he deffently can't live with out you! well if he's your ex who cares if he ever loved you or not cuz u arent together now.... if he was cheating on you he probobly didnt truly love you or want a real relationship

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he either doesnt Ike u n e more or hes cheating on u or he wants to c ur reaction. just talk to him about why he is and what did you do.

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your boyfriend is just being completely honest with you and he obviously doesnt like you as much as this 'other' girl. i would appreciate him sharing this with me instead of cheating on me and going behind my back.

What if you think that your boyfriend is cheating what should you do?

Well if you think he is should look throw his fone for any texts or numbers he has called alot Or look through his computer make sure he knows you are looking see if he ...doesnt want you to !! if he doesnt find out why ? Or ask his friends if he has had a history of cheating ....And ask those girls about it hope i helped :)

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