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Q: This is a metaphor that has lost its original meaning through extensive use. The term is used to demonstrate that the phrase no longer acts as a metaphor it has just become a plain phrase with a sim?
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What is a dead metaphor?

It is a metaphor that has lost its original meaning because of regular and repetitive use. This can also be caused by the evolution of language. An example might be that 'the telephone is ringing' a phrase still used a because original telephones contained bells.

What does the meaning of metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by stating that one thing is another. It is used to create a vivid image or convey a deeper meaning by drawing a connection between the two things.

How would a metaphor affect the meaning of the text?

The meaning of the text is obtained by an appreciation of the analogy of the metaphor.

Why is a metaphor called a metaphor?

The term "metaphor" comes from the Greek word "metaphora," which means "transfer" or "to carry over." This reflects how a metaphor transfers the meaning of one word or phrase to another in order to create a comparison.

What is a explicit metaphor?

An explicit metaphor is a metaphor that is fully explained in great detail. Unlike an implicit metaphor, which the meaning has to be implied.

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What is the metaphor meaning for peaceful?

The metaphorical meaning of "peaceful" can evoke a sense of calm, tranquility, and harmony. It may be used to describe a state of inner peace or a serene environment that is free from conflict or disturbance.

Metaphor meaning of life is a classroom?

Life is like a classroom because we are continuously learning and growing through our experiences. Just as in a classroom, we face challenges, successes, failures, and opportunities to develop our skills and knowledge. Ultimately, our journey through life is about gaining wisdom and understanding.

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It means she's special

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